It's Okay Not to Write Tomorrow
Greetings from week one of AcWriMo, and on reminding yourself why it all matters.
Hi friends,
I just got a text saying “Reminder! Tomorrow is Election Day!” and I almost threw my phone across the room because I have spent weeks thinking of basically nothing else.
When I was planning AcWriMo this year, I purposefully left Tuesday and Wednesday as non-cowriting days. This is me, letting all of you off of the hook from your writing for the next 48 hours.
I know that we all deal with stress differently, and for some folks writing is a welcome relief and distraction. Great! Then I think you should write.
For everyone else, here is your “get out of writing free” card for the next few days. There’s no school here tomorrow, so I’m going to spend the day showing my kids (and reminding myself) why elections matter, and why they’re only a small piece of being political. For us, that’s going to mean going into the Village and visiting some of the sites of LGBTQ+ organizing in New York City. It’ll also mean visiting immigrant-owned restaurants in our neighborhood and talking about how lucky we are to live in one of the most diverse pockets of the world. After spending months campaigning and talking about polling and horse races and odds and herding, I want to touch grass and remember why we fight for the kind of world we do. And why there’s work to be done no matter what happens tomorrow (vibes are good! But there’s stuff to be done!)
And I think this is something worth doing with your work as well. Every once in a while, it’s nice to emerge from behind the computer screen and remind yourself why you love this. If you study medieval literature, go to a museum and just marvel at how beautiful early manuscripts are and how lucky we are that they’re preserved. If you’re an urban planner, go to a new playground in your neighborhood and watch how happy kids are when they can run, or find a corner of a city that’s been made car-free and see what it feels like to reclaim space for people.
The work we do matters, the world we’re trying to build matters, and if you feel like writing feels like too tall of a task, spend the day in the world instead (or curled in bed doomscrolling and eating brownie dough. You’re an adult—you make the rules). But then come back to writing tomorrow.
PS—my strong suspicion is that my US-based readers who can vote, already have or have a plan to. If not, please consider this your invitation! Make a plan and go vote tomorrow! If you have friends who live in swing states or states with close Senate races, it can’t hurt to shoot them a quick text tonight and remind them that tomorrow’s Election Day. Hopefully they won’t throw their phones.
More next week, including an update on all things AcWriMo!
What’s going on around here
In addition to one-on-one coaching and editing, we have a lot of workshops! Now you can find all of the workshops that Epilogue Editing hosts listed here, with dates, information, and registration details. It’s the best way to keep up-to-date with what’s going on!
Spring 2025 Writers’ Circles (January-March 2025)
Small groups of no more than eight people focused on creating the conditions to write more, and more effectively. With a separate cohort for mid-career scholars. (Discounted registration through November 15!)
So You Want to Write A Book?
A unique hybrid workshop dedicated to supporting writers throughout their book writing journey. Join us in early 2025 for workshops on book proposals and revision, or start with a new cohort in May.
January workshop: Book proposals and book marketing
April workshop: The art (and science?) of revision
May 2025-April 2026: beginning and accelerated (discounted registration through February 1)